IFS2024 Registration for Presentation Has Been Closed.
Oral & Poster Presentation Guidelines
Registration of the presentations
Please register your presentation after you register your attendance. You can register for no more than two presentations as a presenter. The deadline for the registration of the presentation and the submission of the abstract is 23:59 JST, 30 September 7 October 2024.
We cannot accept any changes to the title, authors, and abstract after your submission.
Oral presentation
Each oral presentation will be allocated 20 minutes (15 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for Q and A). However, this may be changed according to the number of presentations registered. It will be decided in mid-October.
All presenters must send their PowerPoint presentations before the conference. The details will be announced in mid-October. The presentation materials will be preloaded onto the laptop located at the podium of each presentation room in the order of presentations in that session. External laptops or USB drives will not be permitted to be used in these PCs under any circumstances.
For more information, please visit here
Presentation Instructions (PDF)
Poster presentation
Posters should be prepared and printed with final dimensions under ISO A-0 size (W841mm x W1189mm). Tacks will be provided. All presenters are requested to be at the venue to answer questions during the core time. The details of the poster session will be announced in mid-October. If the number of presentations reaches capacity, the registration may be stopped.
For more information, please visit here
Presentation Instructions (PDF)
Abstract submission
The abstract should be submitted upon registration for the presentation. Please read the template carefully and send it using the link. No change should be accepted after your submission. Be sure the title and the authors should be exactly the same as the registration.
Download Abstract Format (Word)
Publication opportunities
Publishing Support Program Authors who presented their work at IFS2024 can submit a full paper to Fisheries Science with potential publishing support from IFS2024. For more information, please visit
Publishing Support for IFS2024 Presenters (PDF)
Research Category Code Table
11: Fishing technology
12: Fish behaviour
13: Fishing ground
14: Population dynamics
15: Oceanographic conditions
16: Acoustic and instrumentation
17: Others in Fisheries
21: Taxonomy
22: Morphology
23: Physiology
24: Ecology
25: Nekton
26: Benthos
27: Plankton
28: Seaweeds and seagrasses
29: Others in Taxonomy
31: Food organism
32: Larval production
33: Nutrition
34: Grow-out
35: Environment
36: Disease
37: Breeding and heredity
38: Others in Aquaculture
41: Eutrophication
42: Microorganism
43: Pollution
44: Bio-accumulation
45: Harmful plankton
46: Others in Environment
51: Proteins, enzymes, and nucleic acids
52: Lipid and sugars
53: Extractive components
54: Pigments and vitamins
55: Biologically active substances
56: Others in Biochemistry
Food Science and Technology
61: Processing
62: Preservation
63: Food hygiene
64: Microorganism
65: Others in Food Science and Technology
Social Science
71: Sociology
72: Economics
73: Business Management
74: Law & Politics
75: Policy Science
76: Community Development
77: Cooperative
78: Others in Social Science
Global Food Resources
81: Environment
82: Production
83: Government
84: Others in Global Food Resources
90: Others